About me

At the age of 13, my father and both my grandfathers had already died, much too young, of cancer. Many years later, when my father-in-law was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor called glioblastoma multiforme, I got involved in his treatment. Glioblastoma patients have a poor prognosis, with a five-year survival rate of just 3 percent. Therefore the need to look at complementary treatment options was obvious. That was in 2003 and he's alive and well today. I believe that if someone survives a type of cancer that is almost always fatal, there must be something we can learn. This is what motivated me to share his case report. I look at cancer treatments as a trader looking for an edge in the market. From a layman's perspective, nothing on this blog is to be taken as expert advice, and just like in capital markets beating the odds sometimes is simply a matter of luck. 

A cancer diagnosis is very scary, but one does have options in addition to standard medical care. Diet, nutritional supplements, environment, and lifestyle factors significantly affect the development and progression of cancer. Making the right changes can help support or restore the body’s natural ability to fight cancer.

Best wishes,

Johan Vanden Berghe


  1. Thank you, this is so insightful and amazing. Thank you for dedicating your time and research and the way you break down all the knowledgem
