Chaga's anticancer properties.

Chagaa slow-growing woody mushroom, grows on trees in cooler climates. Many people confuse these mushrooms for wood because they often take on a charcoal appearance while they are on the tree. The inside of the mushrooms is orange. These mushrooms are so woody and tough, they cannot be eaten like a traditional mushroom. For this reason, the mushroom must be ground into a powder and used in a tea or taken in capsules.

Chaga is able to stop free radicals in their tracks, by stabilizing them and preventing them from turning into cancer in your body. This substance can stop cancer from growing and prevent tumor formation. 

Many cancer patients have found increased cancer-fighting ability, by taking Chaga supplements or Chaga tea along with their traditional cancer treatments. 

ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity ) Total:1,532 Β΅mol TE/gramChaga has the highest ORAC score, or Anti-Oxidant Value, for all-natural foods.


  • Rosmarinic acid
  • Panax Ginseng

Antagonistic effect

Supplement: Wild Siberian Chaga, by Dragon Herbs

Caution: Chaga could potentially interact with medications that thin the blood.

References & Sources

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