This "protocol" is an attempt to address some of the points raised in this post (Theory of Cancer - limit the consequences of glycolysis & help restore the oxygen and carbon dioxide deprivation).
- Vitamin C (*) 200-400 mg đ BID, 2 grams of Bicarbonate đ BID (2 hours after VitC), 20 mg of Zinc BID, and 400 mg of Magnesium (*) BID for 5 consecutive days, 1 hour after lunch and dinner.
- Melatonin 2-3mg đ Niacin (*) (but not niacinamide) 3 x 40mg, and 1 Aloe Vera (barbadensis) softgel for 5 consecutive days (niacin after a meal, melatonin, and aloe 10 to 20 minutes before sleep).
- Nigella Sativa đ , Curcumin đ , and Rosemary đ for 5 consecutive days.
- Berberine 400mg đ, Trace Mineral drops, and L-ornithine 200-500mg, each day for 5 consecutive days.
- 100 mcg of Methylene Blue or 50 mcg LeucoMethylene Blue/DHA đ (*) and 10 to 100 mg lipoic acid đ for 5 consecutive days, in the evening.
- 5 days REST. Repeat.
Melatonin: inhibit HIF-1α (*), enhance apoptosis, and reverse the Warburg effect.
Niacin: inhibit HIF-1α, HDACi.
Aloe Vera: synergistic with Melatonin.
Vitamin C: inhibit HIF-1α
Bicarbonate: increase CO2, reduce lactic acid.
Magnesium: works in synergy with vitamin C and bicarbonate.
Zinc: inhibit HIF-1α
Methylene Blue: increase O2 delivery to tissues.
Lipoic acid: reduce lactic acid, synergistic with Methylene Blue.
Curcumin: anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer.
Nigella Sativa: synergistic with Curcumin, inhibit HIF-1α.
Rosemary: synergy with Curcumin, carbonic anhydrase inhibition.
L-ornithine: reduce ammonia. Substitute/alternate with: Taurine, Citrulline (watermelon), L-alanine, Ceylon Cinnamon, and more.
Trace Mineral drops: rebalance mineral profile.
(*) HIF1α inhibition: HIF-1α stimulates glycolytic gene expression. Specifically, HIF-1α activates the expression of genes encoding enzymes such as hexokinase, phosphofructokinase-1, and pyruvate kinase. In addition, HIF-1α also activates the expression of genes involved in glucose uptake, such as GLUT-1 and GLUT-4.
(*) If you have high histamine issues I wouldn't use Methylene blue right away or start at an even lower dose (1 drop of the solution as described below) or start on the 2nd cycle of the protocol.
16 1% MB drops in 30ml of water dissolving approx 1 gram of ascorbic acid will make an MB solution turn almost colorless and make LeucoMethylene Blue + DHA (Dehydroascorbic acid, the oxidized form of ascorbic acid). That's 8mg MB in a 30ml bottle, and each full dropper is approx 0,5mg (500mcg) Methylene Blue, or about 12.5mcg per drop, or 50 mcg every 4 drops.
Foods like cheese, chocolate, or wine are best avoided a few hours before or after (leuco)MB as these contain potent phytochemicals that can further inhibit aromatase (MB is a very potent aromatase inhibitor).
(*) If this amount of magnesium is too hard on your stomach mix it with some milk. If you use mg chloride crystals, dissolve in spring water, not tap water. You could make some concentrated Mg chloride drops and then add a few drops to orange juice.
(*) Start with 20mg of niacin and up-titrate to 40mg. Niacin causes flushing of the skin, it usually goes away in 1–2 hours.
BID = twice a day
Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet or supplement.
The role of hypoxia-inducible factors in tumor angiogenesis and cell metabolism
Ascorbic acid and ascorbate-2-phosphate decrease HIF activity
and malignant properties of human melanoma cells
"supplementation with either AA or its oxidation-resistant analog
A2P, effectively reduces HIF-1α protein"
Restoring physiological levels of ascorbate slows tumor growth and
moderates HIF-1 pathway activity in Gulo−/− mice
"Levels of HIF-1α protein in tumors decreased as dietary ascorbate
supplementation increased for both tumor models"
Melatonin effect on hypoxia-inducible factor-1α and clinical
response in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma receiving
neoadjuvant chemotherapy: A randomized controlled trial
"Our study showed a significant decrease in HIF-1α expression
in the melatonin group compared to the placebo group"
Melatonin inhibits lung cancer development by reversing the Warburg effect
via stimulating the SIRT3/PDH axis
"the underlying mechanism of MLT was related to reprogramming cancer
cell metabolism, accompanied by a shift from cytosolic aerobic glycolysis
to oxidative phosphorylation"
How Curcumin Targets Inflammatory Mediators in Diabetes:
Therapeutic Insights and Possible Solutions
Alpha-Lipoic acid treatment decreases serum lactate and pyruvate
concentrations and improves glucose effectiveness in lean and obese
patients with type 2 diabetes.
Niacinamide inhibits the migration, invasion and epithelial-mesenchymal transition of human breast cancer cells by suppressing HIF-1α and NF-ÎșB.
Carnosic acid inhibits the growth of ER-negative human breast cancer cells and synergizes with curcumin
"Rosemary/carnosic acid, alone or combined with curcumin, may be useful to
prevent and treat ER-negative breast cancer."
The interplay between HIF-1 and calcium signaling in cancer
The longevity top 3: rosmarinic acid, pomegranate, and curcumin.
Berberine inhibits HIF-1alpha expression via enhanced proteolysis
How calcium affects oxygen formation
Zinc can halt the growth of cancer cells, study says
Correlation of changes in HIF-1α and p53 expressions with vitamin B3 deficiency in skin cancer patients
Biotherapy with the Pineal Immunomodulating Hormone Melatonin versus Melatonin plus Aloe vera in Untreatable Advanced Solid Neoplasms
Long-term effectiveness of high-dose ornithine-aspartate on urea synthesis rate and portal hypertension in human liver cirrhosis
Comparative Study Regarding the Properties of Methylene Blue and Proflavine and Their Optimal Concentrations for In Vitro and In Vivo Applications
The real face of HIF1α in the tumor process
Zinc Downregulates HIF-1α and Inhibits Its Activity in Tumor Cells In Vitro and In Vivo
The Urea Cycle {ref}
1 gram (g) is equal to 1000 milligrams (mg)
1 milligram (mg) = 1000 micrograms (mcg)
Talk with your doctor before taking any additional dietary supplements.
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